
The Campground and the Bridge Classes

Kids age Kindergarten through third grade participate in the Campground, a fun classroom designed to engage students’ hearts and minds to knowing Jesus more. While in the classroom, teachers engage the children in games, crafts and activities that promote Bible verse memorization and Bible story application.  Kids in the Campground love learning about worship and singing together in a fun, interactive way!  

Each week, the kids practice opening their Bibles and following along with teachers a story that follows our two-year curriculum covering Genesis to Revelation.  After the lesson, kids meet in grade-leveled small groups and are guided through discussion questions to help them understand how every story in the Bible points us to Jesus.  When parents come to pick up their kids, they are given a take home sheet with information about the lesson and guided questions for further discussion at home. Your kids will LOVE it!

Fourth and fifth graders at Crossings have the opportunity to participate in corporate worship with their peers, and are dismissed to the Bridge classroom to study a curriculum that works through the entire Bible by the time they have completed this class.  Every quarter, this group gets together for a fun time of games and friendship building in preparation for entering our student ministry in sixth grade.

Sunday Mornings

Check in begins  20 minutes prior to service times.

As a first time guest at Crossings, plan to arrive a few minutes early to connect with our Welcome Team
and get your kids checked in to their classrooms!

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